To quote one Twitter user, someone needs to take the keyboard away from The Gospel Coalition. That’s because The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has traded the gospel for the pagan culture and has essentially become an outlet for finding “Jesus themes” in every pagan movie or television show that exists, including ones with gay sex scenes in them.
Despite the fact that the entire secular culture is against Christianity—and it does everything it can to depict and promote an anti-Christian worldview—TGC continues to indulge and promote this culture while attempting to rationalize it by imposing non-existent gospel themes onto these movies.
The latest attempt is a Disney movie, Encanto, where TGC tries to read “Jesus” into one of the characters who plays the role of a “truth-telling prophet.” That character’s name is Bruno.
As reported by Protestia:
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One could easily argue that the film whispers about the beauty of homosexuality, with the main character Mirabel being voiced by queer actress and bisexual icon Stephanie Beatriz as they explore themes of “otherness” and not fitting in with those you are supposed to be closest to. In fact, OUT magazine describes one character, Luisa, as “a lesbian icon of strength.” and that “although Luisa isn’t the main character, she represents a community of lesbians who have been rarely represented on screen so this is a win for representation!”
Further, Disney has recently been exposed—not that discerning people didn’t already know—as being on a crusade to indoctrinate and groom children into an LGBTQ lifestyle. This was discussed in a previous article discussing the Southern Baptist Convention’s promotion of Disney to Christian families visiting Anaheim this summer for the annual meeting.
The Gospel Coalition, however, wants you to believe that the “truth-telling prophet,” Bruno, is a Jesus figure, and quotes gay-affirming “Christian” author, Sally Lloyd Jones, to make this point. Ryan MacDonald writes in an article at The Gospel Coalition titled Encanto: We Need to Talk About Bruno:
As I watched the movie I couldn’t help but notice parallels between Bruno (the rejected truth-telling prophet) and Jesus Christ. I doubt any of these parallels were intended by Disney, and it’s usually wise to avoid reading into movie characters more “Christ figure” than is there. But to riff on Sally Lloyd-Jones, Encanto is a movie that whispers Jesus’s name. Here’s what I mean.
First, MacDonald is wrong, you can rest assured that Disney did in fact intend these supposed parallels—it’s how Disney intends to distort the truth about Jesus and who He really is. They place a character in the movie that naive people like Ryan MacDonald and Brett McCracken will use to rationalize their obsession with entertainment and promote the toxic anti-Christian theology from the film itself into Evangelicalism. This circus of movie hounds falls for it every time.
Secondly, MacDonald quotes Sally Lloyd-Jones, who depicts homosexual characters and “families” with two “dads” in her children’s books, to push this “Jesus” theme. Sally Lloyd Jones, who was exposed several years ago for pushing LGBTQ propaganda into kids’ books through the Church, is also the author of the highly popular Jesus Storybook Bible used by Evangelical churches around the world.
Her books have also been highly promoted by the “gay Christian” movement including Sam Allberry, who founded a ministry that promotes man-to-man intimacy between so-called “celibate” homosexual “Christians.”

Seriously, is it any wonder why the world is heading in the direction that it is at such an alarming rate when we have a church so wrought with pagan influence and an effeminate leadership that refuses to stand up and speak out against this apostasy? Make no mistake about it; what we’re seeing in the Evangelical Church today is apostasy and it is likely to only get worse. Buckle up!