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Revoice Promotes “Queer Oriented Marriage” Where Husband and Wife Reverse Gender Roles

by | Mar 30, 2022 | Feminism, LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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It should surprise literally no one that Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement that is thriving in the so-called “conservative” Presbyterian Church (PCA), promotes some really odd things when it comes to sexuality. After all, it is the same movement that promotes man-to-man intimacy among homosexuals that live in marriage-like arrangements that only stop short of bodily penetration.

But, while it is not surprising that Revoice would promote such nonsense, the blatant circus that it has become when it promotes it never ceases to astonish.

Check out this video below of Revoice21 promoting what they are calling a “queer orientation marriage” where the husband and wife lived together, had children, and then at some point in their marriage, they both decided to switch gender roles. The husband in this marriage, who has completely embraced his effeminacy, and the wife, who now apparently shops in the “boys section” at clothing stores, look absolutely foolish and should be a part of the local circus, not a church.

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