Despite the relentless attacks from lost causes like Julie Roys and the feminist blowhards whose entire lives revolve around defaming a God-fearing church leader, John MacArthur is demonstrating his resolve and faith and it appears that he is going to “finish well.”
John MacArthur’s timeless teachings and unwavering faith in the times of various trials have served to benefit the Bride of Christ in immeasurable ways—and we only have God to thank for that gift. Few in our day have demonstrated the kind of insight into our modern culture and have been able to speak biblical truth into its conscience with such a large platform. Of course, nobody believes MacArthur is perfect—he is far from it. But if we had more leaders like him, the Church would be in a much better place going forward.
Unlike Ed Litton and the Evangelical leftists who use their platforms to advance Marxist talking points and blame everything from society to white supremacy for the spree of crimes committed by black teenagers, John MacArthur gets right to the heart of the issue—it is a lack of the fear of God. MacArthur recently appeared on Fox News’s Laura Ingraham to explain.