Note, the following has been abridged and adapted from the original article by Rev. Thomas Littleton at
Journalist in June 2021 exposed global financial firm BlackRock inc. For “transferring trillions of dollars into woke companies”. Also just as the World Economic Forum came under scrutiny for “The Great Reset” – Evangelical leaders signed on with both to be the pitchmen for the global justice financial scheme.
In years past few have been willing to report on some of the shadowy business in the Christian financial industry as part of the so-called “Generosity Movement”. Tim Keller, Lausanne Movement, National Christian Foundation Kingdom Advisors, and a host of others have become key players in capturing Christian philanthropy on a global scale through “donor-advised funds” and “planned giving” strategies.
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Now, most of the same players, along with some new trusted and well known Evangelical leaders, are signing on to promote “Faith Driven Investors” as a means of asserting the kind of “socially responsible investing” of BlackRock and the World Economic Forum (WEF) with a “value-added” element attaching a faith component. This is for those who dare to see a Gospel dimension to “global goals” of “sustainable development” of AGENDA 2030.
The Great Reset and Digital Currency are also in this toxic mix of goals.
Are you buying?
This simply looks like a way to siphon money straight off the “Faith Driven Investors” portfolio and into “global justice” initiatives, while saying that it is for the Gospel? If not, then how can it partner with World Economic Forum and BlackRock, Inc. who have no Gospel interest at all?
Here are some things to consider :
F. William Engdahl reported in June 2021 that “BlackRock Set to Transfer Trillions in Wealth to ‘Woke’ Companies” The Story includes the efforts of BlackRock in tandem with the World Economic Forum.
Author F. William Engdahl exposes BlackRock, which controls $9 trillion in assets, and its associates who hold key positions in the US government under the Biden administration, including the Director of the National Economic Council, the Deputy Treasury Secretary, and the Senior Economic Adviser to Vice President Kamala Harris. In March 2019, the New York Fed hired BlackRock to manage its $750 billion primary and secondary purchases of corporate bonds and ETFs in no-bid contracts. BlackRock funneled $75 billion in bailout funds to its own holdings as the Fed authorized it to ‘go direct’ in choosing winners and losers. The Fed even allowed BackRock to purchase the firm’s own ETFs for the Fed’s portfolio.
Engdahl says that BlackRock is involved in the Great Reset and is poised to steer hundreds of billions and soon trillions in investment to their hand-picked “woke” companies, in the name of climate change, and away from the “not woke” such as oil and gas companies or coal.
Is the pandemic an opportunity to reshape our cities by investing in smart infrastructure?
BlackRock notes that “By 2050 over two-thirds of human life will exist in concentrated urban environments. Europe is ahead of the curve, with almost three-quarters of the continental population living in sprawling cities.“
“But urban areas have borne the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic, both economically and in terms of human life. New questions around how best to manage such a concentration of human life are unlikely to slow the march of urbanization, but they should frame progress. As we face these challenges, investors have an opportunity to put their capital to work in financing solutions.”

Enter Tim Keller, David Platt, and JD Greear, the “faith-driven investors” who are joining with WEF and other secularized “Christian” financial thinkers. The Faith Driven Investor website states that it “is a movement dedicated to helping Christ-following investors believe that God owns it all and that He cares deeply about the how, where, and why behind our investment strategies.”
Other Faith Driven Investor speakers will include Obie McKenzie has served as a Managing Director at BlackRock, the largest institutional asset management firm in the United States. He’s been responsible for raising over $40 Billion during his career.
It will also include Ndidi Nwuneli, who was recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and received a National Honor – Member of the Federal Republic from the Nigerian Government. She was listed as one of the 20 Youngest Power African Women by Forbes and is a 2018 Aspen Institute New Voices Fellowship Fellow.
Bob Doll, who has a long history of ties with Tim Keller and his organizations, serves as a portfolio manager for BlackRock and serves on a number of boards including the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Word of Life Fellowship, New Canaan Society, Kingdom Advisors, National Christian Foundation, The Lausanne Movement along with Keller, The New York City Leadership Center, which is Tim Keller’s organization, Cairn University, the Wharton Graduate Executive Board, and the Princeton HealthCare System.
Mary Naber King, a Roman Catholic, will also be speaking at Faith Driven Investors Live. She is a board member at the National Christian Foundation and author of Catholic Investing: The Financial Effect of Screens along with Andy Crouch, a pro-LGBTQ and Revoice “gay Christianity” conference promoter.
The stated goals behind the Faith Driven Investor movement is “mindshift,” “heart transformation,” and “transformed investments.” Instead of only giving ten percent to a faith community, the movement wants you to consider giving 100 percent of your income and investment to Christianized social justices causes, like:
- deliver community impact, spiritual integration, and financial return,
- take what God has given and put it back into the work He is doing on Earth,
- promote products and services that further human flourishing.
Some of the topics that will be included at this conference include:
- Equitable Equity with Jewel Burks Solomon
- Jewel Burks Solomon, “Head of Startups at Google, shares how Collab Capital is creating generational wealth for black founders and communities.”
- Generous Business Practices (Business for the Common Good 2020)

In fact, this movement is so progressive that Even the New York Times’ has praised it. “Don’t miss the latest from The New York Times about how Faith Driven Investors can carry out the Christian vision of social justice,” the Faith Driven Investor Facebook page stated.
Now, ask, yourself why these Evangelical leaders would want to be involved in such a movement? We’re not arguing that our faith should not inform our investments and that we should do so wisely; but does this sound like a way for Christians to make wise investment decisions? Should Christians be partnering with far-left social justice warriors and merging their faith with Marxist ideological causes?
The only plausible answer to this is that men like Platt, Keller, and Greear have been so given over to and blinded by the social justice movement that they’ve exchanged the gospel for it. It’s really that simple.