Lisa Fields is the founder of the Jude 3 Project, an organization which says it is dedicated to “current issues and the intellectual struggles of Christians of African descent in the United States and abroad.” Fields is a favorite among leftist groups such as The Gospel Coalition and has been a speaker at Southern Baptist Seminaries, including New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. In short, Fields is a welcome member of the Evangelical woke camp and because she is useful for pushing their narrative, she is at home with them.
Fields, however, is theologically inept. Most discerning Bible teachers and students alike can clearly see that the social gospel is another religion altogether and has no place in the Church. However, when advancing an ideology that’s more important to your narrative, secondary matters, such as theological acumen, are set aside.
In a recent interview with Lisa Fields on a Jude 3 Project podcast, Pastor Willie Francois of Mount Zion Baptist Church of Pleasantville, NJ, praises James Cone’s Liberation Theology stating that it allows “other sources of theology to add to the canon” so that it’s “not just the Bible” that we get our theology from.