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France Passes Law Banning Prayer, Counseling for Homosexuals, Including From Parents; Hefty Fines and Prison

by | Jan 26, 2022 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Social-Issues, World | 0 comments

Following in Canada’s footsteps, France has now passed a bill through parliament unanimously voting to make counseling for unwanted homosexuality illegal in the country with penalties ranging from fines to up to two years imprisonment for those who breach the new law.

Largely referred to as “conversion therapy,” the secular world has long been railing against any effort to persuade homosexuals to turn from their unnatural desires and turn to Christ for forgiveness and repentance. France has now become the seventh country to ban “conversion therapy” and explicitly states that any attempt to modify sexual orientation or gender identity is now illegal.

The AP reports that under the new law, sustained efforts “that aim to modify or reprimand sexual orientation or gender identity” and which impact the physical or mental health of victims are punishable by up to two years in jail and 30,000 euros ($34,000) in fines.

The Bill, No. 4785, reads (translated from French):

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Practices, behaviors or repeated remarks aimed at modifying or repressing the sexual orientation or gender identity, real or supposed, of a person and having the effect of altering their physical or mental health are punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros. 

The fines are even heavier when the “criminal behavior” is done “to the detriment of a minor.”

The bill even criminalizes parents seeking to intervene in their child’s pursuit of a “sex change” or engaging in persuasive activity against their aberrant sexual desires. The bill states that “When the offense is committed by a person holding parental authority over the minor, the trial court decides on the total or partial withdrawal of parental authority or on the withdrawal of the exercise of this authority…”

The movement against conversion therapy isn’t just pushed by secular leftists; similarly, so-called “conservative” church leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention and other Evangelical denominations have embraced the push to eliminate conversion therapy and instead have embraced the idea–largely advanced by “gay Christian” ministries such as Revoice and Living Out–the idea that one’s sexual orientation cannot be changed even upon conversion to Christianity.

As Pulpit & Pen noted years ago:

The recently scandalous and radical Revoice brand to push “Queer Culture, Queer Literature, and Queer Theory” into PCA/ SBC churches by 2018 was actually incubated at [Southern Baptist Theological Seminary] and promoted by the [Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission] fellows and Associates. By 2014, [Albert] Mohler and [Russell] Moore held their ERLC conference on “Homosexuality and the Future of Marriage” in which Mohler apologized for being wrong about Homosexual Orientation and began to toss Reparative Therapy and the call for Repentance out the Evangelical window and under the proverbial bus. Again, this was driven by the associations of these leaders with The Gospel Coalition and APA-compliant psychologist, Mark Yarhouse, to bring the Church into step with their secular LGBTQUI+ counseling narrative while promoting the normalization and acceptance of the Marriage, Sexuality, Gender revolution.

It should come as no surprise that, with a nod and a wink from Evangelical leaders who have shown approval for this, that the secular world is now working tirelessly to outlaw and ban Christianity altogether.

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