In years past, Christianity dominated the religious landscape of Western civilizations. But in modern times, a new religious cult has taken over and now dominates every corner of Western society and mirrors the ancient pagan cult of the god Molech.
…all who hate me love death. –Proverbs 8:36
This new religious cult, which is defined by its postmodern worldview, is rooted in ancient anti-Judeo-Christian paganism. While its outward practice has changed, its substance remains the same. Its primary sacrament is the sacrifice of children on the altar convenience. Today, it’s called “abortion.”
The cult of abortion, too, has its apostles–and among them is U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock. Reverend Raphael Warnock, the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, was voted into the U.S. Senate replacing Senator Kelly Loeffler. Warnock’s record reveals him to a radical racist using his clerical position to step, not up, but down into national politics.
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But worse than racism, Warnock refers to himself as a “pro-choice pastor.” If you think Warnock is fringe, just look at how many “likes” his post received. At the time of this writing, over 109 thousand.

Warnock, an apostle of Molech, wants you to believe that abortion is compatible with Christianity. While the Scriptures clearly define murder as an abomination to the only Holy God–and clearly states that God hates those who commit it (Proverbs 16:17)–like Satan himself, Warnock posits the question; did God really say?
Why does this matter? All Democrats are pro-abortion. The Democrat Party is the spawn of Satan, and I say this as one who believes the Republican party is corrupt too. But the idea that one can be a Christian, especially a pastor, and believe that God’s institution of government should have no say in the murder of innocent children is becoming evermore popular. And these are the people in charge of educating our children.