Yesterday, Josh Buice, pastor of Prays Mill Baptist Church in Georgia and one of the founders of the popular G3 Conference, made headlines after he released a statement announcing that his church would no longer be part of the Southern Baptist Convention. Buice, after years of hesitancy, finally entered the fight against the liberal drift in the denomination and became a prominent voice against social justice after the release of John MacArthur’s Statement Against Social Justice in the Church.
While Buice’s efforts to combat the infiltration of the social justice heresy in the Southern Baptist Convention was too late–as has been evidenced by his own words in his statement–he did become a respectable conservative voice. Despite that, other ex-Southern Baptists–who left because the Southern Baptist wasn’t liberal enough–are now mocking Buice for his decision.
This is what happens when a denomination tries to appease man and build bridges between opposing sides rather than stand on the truth and foundation of God’s Word.
Beth Moore, who has made millions of dollars off the tithes and offerings of Southern Baptists as her materials have been published and produced for decades under the denomination’s publishing arm, Lifeway, left the Southern Baptist Convention last year to join an Anglican church. Moore, a far-left radical feminist who opposes the denomination’s official position on female preachers, mocks Buice for leaving:
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Ed Stetzer, also formerly Southern Baptist and one of the former heads of Lifeway–who published millions of dollars worth of Beth Moore’s materials–also mocked Buice along with feminist, Karen Swallow Prior–a professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary who supports the Revoice “gay Christianity” movement.

Of course, what these harlequins don’t understand–but probably do actually understand and just pretend they don’t–is that Josh Buice is not an unorthodox, unbiblical blowhard who is trying to distort the Church’s mission with compromised theology and leftist drift. All of these people are doing that. Again, this is what happens when a denomination attempts to be a pluralistic melting pot of liberals and conservatives; when trying to please everyone, you please no one. This is why the Scriptures made it clear that pleasing man should be off the table and pleasing God is all we should be concerned with.
For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. –Galatians 1:10