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Gays Buy House Across From Westboro Baptist and Paint it Rainbow Pride Colors

by | May 21, 2021 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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Gay activist, Aaron Jackson, bought a house across the street from the notorious and controversial Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas and painted it in rainbow flag colors as a protest to the church’s anti-gay activism.

Westboro is known for its controversial rallies outside of pro-sodomy events where it typically holds signs and yell slogans such as “God hates f*gs.” Westboro has been criticized by both liberals and conservatives for their tactics which, while they may be technically correct in their characterization of God’s disposition toward sin, offer no hope in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Business Insider reports that the founder of “Planting Peace – a global nonprofit whose initiatives include environmental conservation and LGBTQ advocacy campaigns – Jackson wanted to make a statement with his choice of paint colors.”

The display of the rainbow colors on the house is an effort by these gay activists to further harden hearts in rebellion against God and his natural order and it demonstrates their hatred not only toward extremist groups like Westboro, but to God’s Word and design in general. While Westboro’s behavior is uncalled for and unbiblical, it is certainly not the cause of these homosexual’s hardness.

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