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German Catholics to Bless Same-Sex Marriages Despite Vatican Ban

by | May 13, 2021 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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EURONEWS — Germany’s powerful Catholic progressives are openly defying a recent Holy See pronouncement that priests cannot bless same-sex unions.

They are offering such blessings at services in about 100 different churches all over the country this week.

The blessings at open worship services are the latest pushback from German Catholics against a document released in March by the Vatican’s orthodoxy office.

The ‘Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’ said Catholic clergy cannot bless same-sex unions because God “cannot bless sin.”

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The document pleased conservatives and disheartened advocates for LGBTQ Catholics around the world. But the response has been particularly acute in Germany, where the German church has been at the forefront of opening discussion on hot-button issues such as the church’s teaching on homosexuality as part of a formal process of debate and reform.

The dozens of church services celebrating blessings of gay unions are the latest escalation in tensions between conservatives and progressives that have already sparked alarm, primarily from the right, that part of the German church might be heading into schism.


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