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In Midst of Third Wave of Virus, Major Canadian City Excludes Whites From Vaccine Program

by | Apr 25, 2021 | News, Politics, World

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Radical leftists aren’t even trying to pretend they aren’t racist anymore. Critical Race Theory now has its jaws clamped tightly around every government in the world to the furthest reaches of small towns and major cities.

In the midst of rising coronavirus numbers all across Ontario, the city of Hamilton, a major city with a population of over a half-million has decided to exclude white people from its vaccine program and ration vaccines to black people and people of color.

Currently, there is no word on when vaccines will be available for white people, particularly, poor, underprivileged white people. And it’s not that we believe the vaccines are necessarily a good thing, it’s simply the principle and motivation behind the skin color-based rationing.

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