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Fauci Sticks Nose Where it Doesn’t Belong, Makes Partisan Comments on Guns

by | Apr 19, 2021 | Health, Law Enforcement, News, US

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If Dr. Anthony Fauci isn’t meddling in partisan politics enough with the coronavirus lockdowns, mandates, and mass economic breakdown, then he’s sticking his nose in other areas where it certainly doesn’t belong.

Fauci was recently interviewd on CNN where he was asked if gun violence was a “public health issue.”

“You know, myself as a public health person,” Fauci opines, “I think you can’t run away from that. I mean, when you see people getting killed, in this last month it’s just been horrifying what’s happened. How can you say that it’s not a public health issue?”

How can you say that’s not a public health issue? Because it’s not a public health issue. Gun violence has nothing to do with health and everything to do with partisan politicians foolishly regulating guns away from innocent, law-abiding people while doing nothing to keep them out of the hands of violent law-breakers. It’s really simple: allow law-abiding citizens to carry to protect themselves and the innocent and the law-breaking violent mobsters would not feel so empowered to walk into places where citizens have been disarmed and open fire.

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