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Pro-LGBTQ Lady-Preacher Misgenders God, Says She Will Only Quote Women and God Isn’t Male

by | Apr 6, 2021 | Feminism, LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Carmen Hamm, a restaurant owner in Canada was invited to speak at Connect Church YXE in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan where she says that despite the fact that she will only quote women, Jesus gets a pass because God is not “gendered.”

This is interesting coming from the progressive, pro-LGBTQ community as they tend to believe that people can be whatever gender they choose. Apparently, the one exception to this rule is God, himself, who has revealed himself as masculine repeatedly throughout the Scriptures.

“While we’re covering the patriarchy, I’m going to throw in the F-word. That’s right, feminism. You’ve been warned. We’re going to cover empathy with a touch on racism, homophobia, we’re going to talk about parenting,” she says.

She continues, “I’ll use a lot of quotes. All of these quotes are from women. We’re going to hear from women from all over the world, from poets, and mothers, and one very famous country singer. The one exception to this all-woman rule is when I use quotes from the Bible. But, most of the quotes from the Bible are actually from Jesus who was fully human and fully God and I personally don’t believe that God is gendered so I would say he gets a pass.”

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Life would be a lot easier if these people would just stop calling themselves Christians.

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