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Wheaton College Removes Plaque Honoring Martyred Missionaries Because it Offends the Killers

by | Mar 22, 2021 | News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Wheaton College, which has ties to the Southern Baptist Convention and other mainstream Evangelical denominations, is home to many new woke faces of the Evangelical social justice movement, including Ed McGoatBeard Stetzer and Esau McCauley, who says that English Bible translations are untrustworthy because not enough black people were on the translation teams.

To say that either of these men has been given over to a false gospel would be an understatement–they are the false gospel and the heresy they propagate continues to invade Evangelical churches and institutions around the nation at an alarming rate.

Now, Wheaton College removing a plaque that’s been standing for 72 years which commemorates the deaths of a group of martyrs, including James Elliot and Ed McCully, two missionaries who were part of a group working to spread the Gospel to indigenous peoples in Ecuador, according to The Spectator.

“Recently, students, faculty, and staff have expressed concern about language on the plaque that is now recognized as offensive,” president Philip Ryken said in an email sent out to staff and students last week. “Specifically, the word “savage” is regarded as pejorative and has been used historically to dehumanize and mistreat indigenous peoples around the world.”

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The move is indicative of just how far-reaching the tentacles of the insane left are, that such foolishness could have such an effect on the minds of young students seeking a career in ministry. Instead of destroying arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God–as we are taught to do in 2 Corinthians 10:5–Wheaton is complicit in the illicit takeover of minds as students are being taken captive by vain philosophy and empty deceit (Colossians 2:8).

If Wheaton were honest, biblically speaking, these murderers would be described as far worse than “savage”–they would be described as lost, idolaters, devoid of conscience and haters of God and God’s people, enemies of the Church and enemies of God who have perverted the grace of God beyond all comparison. Instead, Wheaton coddles them and treats them like victims like any good, woke institution should do.

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