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Far-Left Southern Baptist Leader Says Not Getting Vaccinated is Killing Your Neighbor

by | Mar 9, 2021 | News, Opinion, Politics, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Far-left Democrat Southern Baptist-sponsored political activist, Russell Moore recently penned an opinion in the far-left Washington Post insisting that Evangelicals should “fight conspiracy theories” and get vaccinated. Implying that getting vaccinated is the only reasonable moral choice, Moore states that we should “express our love for neighbor — especially the sick and elderly — by reducing the chance that we might inadvertently pass along a virus that could kill them.”

Moore argues that the “conspiracy theories” surrounding the vaccines are pushed by the same people who believe that the pandemic was a “hoax.” “These conspiracy theories, however, are not rooted in reality,” Moore writes. “Indeed, many of them come from the same sources that previously told us that the coronavirus itself was a hoax or, even worse, a ‘plandemic’ mapped out by the government for some purpose or another.

Of course, sane people know that there is much, much more to the story than what the mainstream, leftist media pushes about the origin of the virus. And as the investigation continues, the information becomes further and further suppressed–but that’s another article.

The point here is that Russell Moore — who takes to far-left secular media to scold Evangelicals because only Evangelicals–particularly, white Evangelicals–are sinful and immoral enough not to blindly run in droves to the nearest Pharma gulag to get jacked up unknown substances with relatively little testing behind it — is nothing more than a political activist funded by Southern Baptist tithe dollars and, of course, George Soros.

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“Indeed, the vaccines are a cause for Christians to rejoice and to give glory to God,” Moore continues, “The Bible, after all, speaks of medicine as a common grace, discovered by human beings but given by God. The Apostle Paul prescribed wine for Timothy’s stomach ailments (1 Timothy 5:23), probably recognizing the disinfecting properties of wine in settling the stomach and preventing dysentery.”

Except, wine, of course, is not a pharmaceutical–certainly not an untested pharmaceutical with little data and evidence behind it–and the comparison is just plain dumb. “Vaccination, likewise, is a preventive measure, except that in this case the prevention is not simply for the one taking the vaccine but for the entire community,” he added.

“By getting vaccinated as soon as our time is called, we can actively work for what we have been praying for — churches filled with people, hugs in the church foyer, and singing loudly together the hymns we love,” Moore wrote, as though biblical, faithful churches haven’t been doing this all along. For Moore, it isn’t the prescription by God to gather together as saints regularly for worship that liberates us to worship freely, it’s the prescription by Big Pharma. For Moore, who is clearly far more secularist than he is even nominally Christian, the Church is dependent upon herd immunity from a virus in the form of vaccinations rather than the grace and promise of God to sustain His people.

Moore says that he agrees with Pope Francis and other “leading bioethicists” that these vaccines are morally compatible with a pro-life worldview–that they aren’t produced using the tissues of aborted fetuses. However, Even the Catholic Church recently declared that at least one of the vaccines is morally unacceptable.

The real question is this: why is Russell Moore looking to the pope and secular “bioethicists” for moral guidance on vaccines rather than the Scriptures? Moore’s continued twisting of the “love your neighbor” concept is, in reality, morally repugnant as he continues to use this verse to guilt people into advancing a political ideology that is inconsistent with the Scriptures. That alone makes Russell Moore a false prophet.

Why do Southern Baptists continue to fund this nonsense? Why do Evangelicals continue to lift this man up as a prophetic voice when he does nothing more than slander the Church and God’s people every chance he gets.

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