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Man Executed in Portland for Being a Trump Supporter

by | Aug 31, 2020 | News, Video | 0 comments

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Aaron “Jay” Danielson was shot in killed during protests while practicing his consitutional rights in downtown Portland, OR this weekend.

Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA members recognized their Patriot Prayer Hats, according to Danielson’s friend, and one man pointed a gun at them and shot his friend. He says that it didn’t even register with them that a gun was pointed at them until he heard the gunshot and the assailant took off running.

His friend recaps the experience in this video:

Currently, the man suspected of shooting Danielson is Michael Reinoehl, according to Heavy, who is outspoken in his hatred against Trump and bragged about his “battle scars” from previous riots in Portland.

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Michael Reinoehl, accused of shooting Danielson

A GoFundMe page has been set up in support of Danielson’s family which you can visit at this link.

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