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North Carolina Public Schools to Implement Pro-LGBTQ Black Lives Matter Curriculum in Classrooms in Wake County

by | Jul 15, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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Wake County Public School System has launched a website with Black Lives Matter resources for teachers to use in the classroom and parents to use at home that will undoubtedly turn children into Marxists.

Wake County, the county that is home to North Carolina’s state capital, Raleigh, is the second largest metropolitan area in the state after Charlotte-Mecklenburg. However, the school district is vast, expansive, and highly influential.

The website, titled Racial Equity Resources for WCPSS Educators & Staff, is filled with Marxist Black Lives Matter propaganda and promotes such ideologies as Critical Race Theory, intersectionality, and identity politics. One of its primary purposes is to promote “equity” — not to be confused with “equality.”

The use of the Marxist term “equity” is not the same as “equality.” “Equality” means the equal application and enforcement of the law and policies, while “equity” means the equal outcome of law enforcement. In other words, it’s the exact opposite of equal application.

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The site is filled with references to the “unjust killings” of several black people, including Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. The website pushes teaching children about race from a “child’s perspective” and then links to and encourages teachers to learn from a CNN propaganda video about racism by homosexual anchor, Anderson Cooper.

It then shows a video that was publicized by Millbrook High School students in Wake County, NC that continues to advance the notion of white privilege, white supremacy, and systemic racial injustices.

Young people have an important role in confronting racism and prejudice. They often bring a voice of moral clarity to these complex issues.

In the following video, some members of the Millbrook High School student government share an excellent example of what it means to live-out our core beliefs of valuing a diverse school community that is inviting, respectful, inclusive, flexible, and supportive. What starts here changes everything!

But worst of all, most of the resources linked to on the website link to another site called tolerance.org, which heavily promotes transgenderism, homosexuality, and other sexual aberrations.

Folks, this is now being implemented in North Carolina classrooms and is sponsored and promoted by your tax dollars. Are North Carolina parents going to be okay with this? Are they going to let this pot continue to boil with the frog in it? At what point does enough become enough and at what point are we going to demand better? Pushing this stuff down the throats of students is unacceptable. Wake Up!

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