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ANTIFA Terrorists Bust Trump Supporter’s Head Open With a Baton at Patriotic Rally

by | Jul 14, 2020 | News, Politics, Racialism, Video | 0 comments

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According to reporters close to the scene, ANTIFA and other far-left radicals attempted to stop a patriotic rally in Olympia, WA over the weekend that resulted in a man’s head being busted open.

Watch with caution.

Shaelyn Reed, a registered child sex offender in Olympia, was arrested on July 12 on charges of 2nd Degree Assault.

According to the official sex-offender profile, Reed raped a 13-year-old child. These are the people representing “positive change” in America and who idiotic politicians are calling “patriotic” for effecting that change. Antifa is nothing more than a terrorist organization and should be dismantled using any force necessary to do so.

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