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Paula White Compares Herself to a Queen Bee Performing Sex Dance Ritual on White House Lawn

by | May 18, 2020 | heresy, News, The Church | 0 comments

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The title says it all … or something like that. I mean, I’m not really sure what to make of this. It’s clearly incoherent but at some point, she starts talking about how queen bees will stir up other bees by performing a sex-vibration “dance” and starts gyrating around on stage. Then, abruptly inserts herself into the story of Deborah in the Scriptures and compares it all to herself praying on the White House lawn whereby she is “doing something” to make the COVID-19 virus go away.

At any rate, whatever this is supposed to be — you can decide for yourself — it’s ridiculous and that this garbage masquerades around as Christianity clearly brings reproach upon the name of Christ and His bride.

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