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Prominent Evangelicals Sign Statement Decrying Media Reporting Chinese Wet Markets as “Unsafe”

by | Apr 9, 2020 | News, Opinion, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, World | 0 comments

Nothing screams social justice warrior more than than the coalition of Evangelical virtue-signalers who continue to endlessly harp on the false narrative of “institutional racism” to further advance their socialist cause. Racism! Racism! Racism! has been the cry of the Evangelical left for several years and it’s mind-boggling that in the middle of a crisis that has the potential to take out countless lives irrespective of race or ethnicity, that this continues to be their mantra.

Recently, Asian-American Evangelicals released a statement supposedly decrying all this “racism” that they face on a daily basis. Apparently — according to the statement — it’s racists for the media to show Chinese people in China wearing masks while reporting on the Chinese coronavirus.

Racist! RACIST!

“Harmful tropes of ‘yellow peril’ continue to be perpetuated by the news,” the statement enthusiastically exclaims, “within institutional and popular portrayals of our people, our food, and our customs as unsafe and unwelcome.”

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“Yellow peril?” Show me the news reports. In fact, the vast majority of the media is simply spouting Chinese communist, anti-American propaganda, save a handful of more conservative media outlets who are actually trying to get to the bottom of this pandemic. Still, to this day, we don’t know who the first person to contract the disease was — but one thing is clear, it came from Chinese people eating bats. But, it’s RACIST!!! to report that and it’s RACIST!!! for doctors, health officials, politicians, and the media to portray eating bats and selling pets, snakes, and rats for food in unsanitary markets across China.

Yet, as any good progressive, we never let a good crisis go to waste as progressive Evangelicals such as Matt Chandler, Thabiti Anyabwile, Jim Wallis, Ann Voskamp, Melissa Moore — and all the usual social justice Evangelicals jumped on to sign the statement. Of course, we’ve known for a long time that to them, their pet cause far outweighs the truth, the gospel, and even the lives of billions of people around the world.

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