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While Churches are Closed, Charlotte’s Largest Abortion Clinic Open for Full Business During Coronavirus Pandemic

by | Mar 19, 2020 | News | 0 comments

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The “right” to kill your child may have never come more easily than it is right now — at least for now — as churches have closed their doors and gatherings of more than 10 people have been stopped in North Carolina. In fact, the state of North Carolina has actually made it a crime, punishable under the law for churches to gather during this pandemic.

This includes gatherings of more than 10 people to, well, protest against abortion clinics. Any given day in Charlotte, dozens of pro-life advocates will gather outside of Charlotte’s largest abortion clinic — named A Preferred Women’s Health Center — to protest abortion. Saturdays can see hundreds of people, even thousands at times.

While these protest gatherings are banned by law, Reformation Charlotte has confirmed that the clinic itself is still open for business and accepting new patients through this pandemic.

Despite the fact that hospitals are overcrowded — and abortion clinics, including this one, has a history of harming women on top of the dozens of children they murder daily — they will continue to operate as usual in the most unsanitary conditions any “medical” facility has ever seen.

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It’s sad that the world is in this state right now — an obvious dispensation of God’s wrath and judgment on the world. But the Church has to rise above the world right now and be a voice for righteousness and gospel like never before. We must. We can’t break the law, but we also can’t use this as an excuse to be silent.

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