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California Democrat Introduces Bill That Would Shutdown SeaWorld and Other Aquatic Animal Centers

by | Mar 9, 2020 | News, Politics, Social-Issues

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The Democrats are always on the frontlines fighting for the right to life, welfare, and freedom of the people — no wait. They’re not. Not at all. They are the exact opposite of that fighting for the right to abort children and stifle our freedoms and welfare.

But they are on the frontlines constantly fighting for these rights for animals. And California Democrats are on the bleeding edge of animal rights activism.

Recently, a Democrat California senator introduced legislation that would shut down Sea World and other aquariums in the name of “animal rights.” Senate Bill 1405, The Dolphin Protection Act, would make it “unlawful to hold, breed, import, or export a cetacean.”

The bill argues that “Scientists and marine biologists have found that cetaceans are highly intelligent and social mammals” and that “Scientists and marine biologists have found that cetaceans are highly intelligent and social mammals.”

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SB1405 would make a violation of the law a misdemeanor punishable by up to $100,000.00.

Cetaceans are aquatic animals such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises that comprise at least 89 different species. Currently, SeaWorld in San Diego is home to several of these species, including the Beluga.

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