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In Defiance to Denominational Policy and Biblical Morality, NC Methodist Church Officiates Same-sex Wedding

by | Mar 5, 2020 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church

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As the United Methodist Church faces an inevitable split over its overwhelming apostasy on homosexuality, many of the denomination’s churches are openly defying the official ban on gay clergy and gay weddings.

One Methodist church in North Carolina is openly boasting their defiance to not only God’s law but to their denomination’s stance on the issue.

In a recent press release titled Holy Disobedience: An Act of Justice and Love, Duke Memorial United Methodist Church announced they had performed a “wedding” for sodomites who are in open rebellion to God’s nature and morality. “Duke Memorial United Methodist Church joyfully celebrates the covenant marriage of Caleb Parker and Thomas Phillips,” the press release reads, “which took place in our sanctuary on February 29, 2020. Twelve clergy from Duke Memorial United Methodist Church and our United Methodist and ecumenical connection jointly officiated this wedding in holy disobedience to the prohibitions against same-gender marriage laid forth by denominational policy in the United Methodist Book of Discipline.”

The press release went on to say, “We bless Thomas’s and Caleb’s covenant promises in Christian marriage and are grateful to be given the honor of celebrating their love through the wedding worship service.”

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Love is at the center of our faith tradition and is a lens through which we interpret the Scriptures. We at Duke Memorial will continue to celebrate the reconciliation of all persons as beloved children of God, equal before the throne of love and grace. We will continue to welcome and affirm ALL of God’s children, as we live into our baptismal vows to “accept the freedom and power God gives us to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves”

Of course, these apostate churches and apostates running these churches have no idea what “love” actually is. While they’re affirming these sodomites in their sin and rebellion to God, they are sending them straight to Hell in a handbasket of deception. This is not “love” — it is the most hateful thing anyone who names the name of Christ could do.

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