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Transgender Felons Sue for the Right to Change Their Names

by | Feb 20, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues

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Historically, it’s been difficult for felons to legally change their names because of the nature of their crimes, their criminal records must be traceable. In Pennsylvania, three “transgender women” (that is, biological men who think they’re women) will be arguing in court for the right to change their legal names.

Pennsylvania law requires convicted felons to wait a minimum of two years after the completion of their sentence before they’re able to change their names. But the Commonwealth Court will be hearing arguments from convicted felons today to consider easing the restriction for people who are confused about their sex.

Attorneys representing the felons wrote in a court filing last may that people have a fundamental right to control their own names, and that can’t be overridden by a legal presumption that felons are engaging in fraud when they seek a name change.

Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania Attorney General stated that his office had the responsibility to defend the constitutionality of Pennsylvania law despite his personal beliefs and that he understands that “being required to live with a name that doesn’t represent who you really are creates a myriad of hardships.”

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Moral of the story? Don’t commit felonies and seek sane counseling if you’re confused about your sexuality.

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