In this day and age, nothing should surprise us anymore. It’s typical for God-haters and rebellious liberals to mock God and treat His word like a pig, but for a pastor — a megachurch pastor — to mock God’s word in such a way that he and his teaching “pastor,” Alli Patterson kick it around and toss it like a football is not only sad, it’s idolatrous.
Earlier today, Reformation Charlotte posed the question: How many Christians will make an idol out of the Super Bowl by enduring the blasphemous pro-sodomy commercials and halftime shows that come as a package deal with the nation’s largest annual sporting event? It’s bad enough that so many professing Christians already idolize the sport, but I did not foresee having to ask how many pastors would treat God’s word literally like dirt.
The mockery from this is astonishing. This same church turned the entire Sunday morning worship service into a football celebration in 2019, too. Can you imagine God looking down on His people and smiling upon this? Watch as Pastor Brian Tome and Mrs. Patterson of Crossroads Church mock God. But, rest assured, God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7).