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How Many Christians Will Endure the Pro-Gay Drag Queen Commercials to Prop Up Their Idol of Super Bowl Today?

by | Feb 2, 2020 | Featured, LGBTQ Issues, Opinion, Social Justice, Social-Issues

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Today marks Super Bowl LIV, the 54th annual NFL championship game between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs. How do I know that? Well, to be honest, I googled it. What I do know, however, is that the culture surrounding the professional sport has seen so much downgrade over the last decade that its practically unbearable for anyone who knows Christ.

As a former Carolina Panthers fan, I’ll admit that I used to be into the sport. I used to know the players’ names and I used to follow their season. I used to know their schedule and their record and I used to follow their statistics. I want to be clear that I am not saying that sports are inherently sinful — they are not.

I am, however, suggesting that what now comes as a package deal with professional sports — particularly, the Super Bowl — is becoming increasingly sinful to endure.

This year, the Super Bowl commercial spots will be lined up pro-homosexual drag queens who are hell-bent on indoctrinating your children into a pro-LGBTQ lifestyle. And while FOX, the network airing the game this year, has deemed this anti-abortion commercial “too risky” and inappropriate for their viewers, there is evidently no issue in propagandizing our children with sodomites.

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In 2016, the Super Bowl halftime show was essentially a celebration of gay pride. It’s only gotten worse since then. The stadiums are filled with progressive, pro-gay, pro-fornication, pro-abortion, anti-American, anti-Christ propaganda that to endure such lasciviousness — even for the sake of enjoying the game — is extremely risky at best, and quite possibly, idolatrous.

Again, I’m not saying that sports are inherently sinful or idolatrous. But if you find yourself sitting through the anti-Christian brainwashing that comes pre-packaged with the Super Bowl tonight because you’re “just in it for the game,” you might want to check your intentions against the revealed Word of God to see where your heart really is.

They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.

2 Peter 2:19

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