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Baptist Pastor is Member of ACLU, Provides “Preferred Pronouns,” and Calls Conversion Therapy “Barbaric and Deadly”

by | Jan 29, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church

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Jason Crosby is the pastor of Crescent Hill Baptist Church in Louisville, KY and is also a member of the Kentucky chapter of the far-left American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU) and serves on the Board of Directors. Crosby’s church, still exists in the church database on the official Southern Baptist website, despite the church being kicked out of the Kentucky Baptist Convention several years ago over support for gay marriage.

According to his bio on the ACLU website, Crosby is a far-left radical who supports LGBTQ inclusion, rights, and activism to a degree unprecedented in Southern Baptist circles.

Contrary to the prevailing common and justified perception of Baptists in our nation at the moment, some Baptist ministers still believe that creating a society where all people, no matter their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation possess the freedom to fully be who they were created to be is sacred work. Advocating for separation of church and state, equal rights for LGBTQ people, equal access to the voting booth, women’s reproductive rights, is sacred work.

And he even provides his preferred pronouns on the ACLU’s website,

Crosby is the “Minister of Preaching and Pastoral Care” are Crescent Hill Baptist Church.

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Recently, in an op-ed Crosby published in the Courier-Journal, Crosby refers to gay conversion therapy as “barbaric and deadly,” and pushes for legislation to ban the practice in the state. Further, he denies that homosexuality is a choice — which essentially denies the sinfulness of it. He writes,

Scientists have long told us that same-sex attraction is not a choice. I am no scientist, but the many people I have met who have endured pain and difficulty inflicted by religious leaders and institutions for embracing their same-sex orientation further supports widely held scientific conclusions.

Because same-sex attraction is not a choice, conversion therapy is dangerous, destructive and deadly…

It is commonplace for leftist pastors to embrace the position of LGBTQ inclusion nowadays, but it should be imperative that this church’s information be removed from the SBC church database.

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