Today marks the annual March for Life which is primarily a political — not primarily a religious — gathering of pro-life supporters from around the nation to protest the murdering of innocent children. Today, Donald Trump will attend and speak at the March for Life making him the first U.S. president ever to do so. And though the event is primarily political in nature, one would expect Christians to glad that the world’s most powerful man supports the pro-life movement.
Yet, leave it to the “woke” camp of Southern Baptist elitists who by all means and measures have redefined what it means to be “pro-life.” Yesterday, the Southern Baptist ERLC leader, Russell Moore laid out a brand new definition of “pro-life” to include not only opposing abortion but supporting such things as affirmative action for black college students, softening border laws, and government-operated healthcare systems.
Now, an ERLC research fellow who is also a Baylor University professor and highly sought after speaker and author for The Gospel Coalition announced on Twitter that Donald Trump’s appearance at the March for Life would be detrimental for the movement.

The logic seems to be that because Donald Trump doesn’t line up with the new definition — set by the progressive Evangelical elitists — of “pro-life,” that Trump’s appearance will work against the movement. And, to that extent, he’s right. In fact, Trump’s appearance at the event will serve to solidify a movement that is opposed to abortion — which is what it really means to be pro-life. His appearance will not serve to help Russell Moore, Thomas Kidd, and the Evangelical elite’s new “woke” definition of pro-life.
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Kidd’s comments drew a number of ireful responses, including the following,

And while I may not fully agree with the sentiments of all of the comments, the one thing we all share is a disdain for the hijacking of the pro-life movement into something it’s not — socialism.
Being pro-life has nothing at all to do with social justice — it’s about ending the slaughter of innocent children in the womb. That’s all it’s ever been about. And having the president of the most powerful nation in the world attend the event — despite the fact that he’s not truly a Christian — just proves that he has a better grasp on general revelation than the vast majority of those who think of themselves as leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ.