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The Gospel Coalition’s New President Says it’s Racist to Advocate For Assimilation of Immigrants

by | Jan 20, 2020 | News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church

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Co-founder of The Gospel Coalition (TGC), Don Carson, has stepped down from his role as president of the organization and is transitioning to the position of “theologian at large” in June. Replacing Carson is a Korean-born protege of Carson and Keller named Julius Kim.

According to a TGC report, Kim took classes under Keller and Carson at Trinity which later led to the formation of The Gospel Coalition. So Kim is actually well-trained for the position at TGC.

And, unnotably, Kim is no different than his predecessors.

Kim, in lockstep with the mission of The Gospel Coalition, is a racialist and serves to instigate racial tensions by creating the perception of racism where it doesn’t exist. In an article titled Effective Ministry to Asian Americans at TGC, Kim pushes the usual Critical Race Theory propaganda and imputes the guilt of racism to white people accusing them of “implicit racial biases.” He writes,

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Secondly, I think non-Asians especially here in North America may not be aware of some of the implicit biases they may have with Asian-Americans. For example, growing up here in America I was either viewed in one of two ways. I was either viewed as a model minority which essentially means you’ve learned the language, you’ve gone to our schools, you’ve got the good grades, you get the best job which means I have reached a standard of, let’s face it, the majority culture which is white. So you’ve made it as a model minority which means you’ve become white.

He then goes on to reference assimilation, stating, “I think we need to be careful of that implicit bias there—frankly implicit racism.”

It has long been the unofficial (or official?) position of TGC that assimilation is racism and that to be in favor of immigrants assimilating to American culture and way of life is racist.

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