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NY City Councilman, Jimmy Van Bramer, Funds and Participates in Child-Grooming Drag Queen Time at Queens Public Library

by | Jan 15, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Social-Issues

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Drag Queens are indoctrinating and grooming children all over the world. Reformation Charlotte has consistently covered the happenings of the Drag Queen Story Hour phenomenon that is plaguing the country. It should never be shocking that a man who can’t even figure out which sports team he’s supposed to play is also unable to figure out that certain sex acts are illegal. This is why many of these sexual aberrants have found landed legal charges and even criminal convictions of sexual assault and various other sex-related crimes over the span of their lifetimes.

But we should be shocked and outraged that our government leaders are not only turning a blind eye to but actively participating in these events that are destroying so many young and impressionable minds.

Jimmy Van Bramer, a Democrat (surprise!), currently serves on the District 26 New York city council and has served since 2009. Today, Van Bramer was seen at Queens Library hosting a child-grooming event with a drag-queen for the purpose of indoctrinating children into the LGBTQ lifestyle.

According to the Queens Library Drag Queen event homepage, not only does Bramer take part in this wickedness, but he funds it.

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Please join the Woodside Community Library for a Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH). The program features a drag queen reading picture books, singing songs, and leading children in a craft activity. This program is funded by NYC Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer.

Some of the uplifting materials Van Bramer brought to the floor included teaching children how to come up with a “drag name.”

It should be noted that the drag queen storytime is geared toward children as young as 3-years-old and promotes LGBTQ ideologies such as “gender diversity,” and typically — as seen in most other drag queen events — ends with some form of inappropriate physical “playtime.”


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