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Student Found Dead After Viral Video of Him Leading Protest Against ‘Drag Queen’ Event for Kids

by | Jan 13, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, World

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BRISBANE, Australia, January 13, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Not long after a video of university students chanting “Drag queens are not for kids” to a drag queen at a public library went viral, the protest’s 21-year-old Catholic organizer was found dead.  

While most of the immediate reporting out of Australia suggests that Wilson Gavin’s untimely death is the result of suicide, some friends of the devout traditional Catholic continue to speculate that this may have been murder in retaliation for his involvement in the library protest.    

The viral video shows Gavin and more than a dozen others calmly standing in front of drag queen “Diamond Good-Rim” chanting, “Drag queens are not for kids.” This was during a drag queen story time event at the Brisbane Square Library on Sunday afternoon. 

Gavin was president of the University of Queensland’s conservative Liberal National Club. 

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Gavin previously made headlines in Australia when at age 19, he spoke at a “You Can Say No” rally protesting against same-sex “marriage,” saying, “I support what marriage really is and I’m gay.” 

At that time Gavin said in an interview, “They hate me because I’m a conservative and they hate me more because I’m a gay conservative.”  

(Disclaimer: Reformation Charlotte does not endorse the use of the phrase “gay conservative,” as there is no such thing.)


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