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New Video Compilation Calls into Question the Honesty of SBC Leaders Denying Liberal Drift in the Denomination

by | Jan 11, 2020 | News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church

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Reformation Charlotte along with many other news outlets have been reporting on the leftward drift of the Southern Baptist Convention for years. While the most outspoken leaders of the denomination have outright denied the accusations of mission-drift and a progressive turn, unassailable proof continues to rear its ugly head around every corner.

Two of the most prominent Southern Baptist seminaries, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) are both neck-deep in a Marxist movement that embraces some of the most godless sociological ideologies known to man. Ideologies such as intersectionality and Critical Race Theory are at the forefront of the denomination’s drift.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a heretical worldview that is incompatible with biblical Christianity. It emerged as an offshoot of Critical Theory, a neo-Marxist philosophy that has its roots in the Frankfurt School and its methods are drawn from Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. CRT teaches that institutional racism exists within every structure of society and that these structures are intrinsically designed in such a manner as to protect and preserve “white supremacy” in our culture. Further, CRT does not rely on factual statistics or objective evidence to support the theory, rather it relies on anecdotal evidence and personal experience.

The presidents of these two seminaries, Al Mohler and Danny Akin, respectively, denied the liberal drift to the Baptist Press. Akin tells the denomination’s propaganda wing,

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I know well the men who lead our national SBC entities. They are all unapologetically committed to the BF&M 2000.

Leaders of SBC entities “love the Gospel and are passionate for the Great Commission. They are inerrantists and complementarians. They believe in the exclusivity of the Gospel, penal substitution [Christ’s sacrificial death for sin] and the great ‘solas’ of the Reformation.

They are pro-life and pro-biblical marriage. They stand gladly on the shoulders of the Conservative Resurgence and seek to advance a Great Commission Resurgence. I believe this is who Southern Baptists are and this is what Southern Baptists want in those tasked to lead their entities. It is an honor and sacred trust we do not take lightly.

Akin has continued to deny that Critical Race Theory and intersectionality have taken root in his school, tweeting,

Yet, somehow, the ugly facts keep standing in the way of Danny Akin’s credibility. In the video compilation below, you will see that over the last three years, Critical Race Theory has not simply been studied to “inform” as Akin asserts in the tweet above, but absolutely affirmed and clearly used to shape the mindset of students and faculty alike at the seminary. If anyone can watch this video and still believe that these seminaries haven’t drifted clearly into liberalism, there may be no hope for them.


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