The entire charismatic movement is nothing more than a mockery of the God of the Bible. Let’s be clear, God hates charismaticism. It is blasphemy, idolatry, and outright wickedness from one end of the spectrum to the other. The practices of the charismatic movement are not from God, not of the Holy Spirit, and not a reflection of Jesus Christ. They are demonic.
Watching so many people fall prey to the movement, however, is disheartening. That so many could be deceived into believing and chasing false signs and wonders should cause us to pity them. That some are so completely given over to it that they would practically hand over their lives and livelihoods to the hucksters and charlatans that prey on people is frustrating, and that’s an understatement.
Here is one charismatic false prophetess who faked her death, had people come lay money down next to her, and then faked her resurrection. It’s sick that people would be so deceived into such error. It would be comical, but the fact is that so many actually believe this and are willing to give this woman money. It’s really sickening.