If you haven’t heard the news, the United Methodist denomination has agreed to split due to irreconcilable differences on LGBTQ issues. In other words, the denomination — which voted last year in favor of traditional biblical views on marriage by a slim margin — has refused to cave to the demands of unrepentant homosexuals who are hell-bent on further corrupting the already nearly-apostate denomination with full affirmation of gays, lesbians, and transgenders.
The measure comes as denominational leaders decided to put their full support behind the Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation in lieu of hearing further proposals from the LGBTQ community to continue to “work together.” The separation will be a massive split as the denomination is nearly equally divided on the issue, but we praise God for some who have not been completely given over.
Remember all those passages where Paul implored gay Christians to try to work it out with the conservative sect, and stay together in unity? I don’t either. Leave it to a gay ERLC contributor and a regular speaker and panelist at ERLC events to be “heartbroken” over it.

While Matthew Lee Anderson, who categorically denies the sinfulness of same-sex attraction and argues against the legitimacy of the Nashville Statement, calling it “ill-conceived,” is arguing that the denomination, which has been wrought with unrepentant homosexuals for decades, should not have split. Of course, the Scriptures say otherwise, in fact, commanding the Church to
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Purge the evil person from among you.
1 Corinthians 5:13
That’s exactly what has happened. So should we be heartbroken over this split? Of course not. We should be heartbroken over the unrepentant sin that has plagued the United Methodist denomination for so long, but we should praise God that he is purifying his bride. There is still much more to be done and perhaps the more conservatives will continue to separate from the wicked.