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Vatican Official Says it’s Unjust to Lump “Faithful Gay Priests” in With Pedophiles

by | Dec 13, 2019 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church, World

Jordi Bertomeu Farnos of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — formerly known as the Office of the Inquisition (which took the lives of countless Protestant Christians) — said that it was a “great injustice” to link homosexuality and pedophilia, saying that it “hurts faithful gay priests.”

By “faithful gay priest,” one can only assume they mean something other than what God thinks since there is no such thing as a gay Christian. Of course, there is no such thing as a Roman Catholic priest who is a Christian, either.

The announcement comes amid a decades-long scandal plaguing the Roman Catholic Church leaving countless victims wounded and thousands of priests guilty. Yet, the Vatican insists that pedophilia and homosexuality are not linked.

Scripture, however, says something completely different. Romans 1 speaks of homosexuality and other sexual abnormalities to all be a sign of God’s judgment and wrath on people. Is there any question with the gay scandal plaguing the Roman Catholic Church that the organization is under God’s judgment? After all, the Roman Catholic Church does not have the gospel and does not know Christ.

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