While we’re constantly hearing about the supposed racism rampant in all the white-on-black violence that is supposedly happening in every segment of American society — of course, a false narrative created by mainstream media — what the world is largely ignoring is the mass violence in black-on-white attacks that, well, actually are racially-motivated.
Recently, Reformation Charlotte reported on a group of black teens who robbed a white kid at gunpoint, recorded it, laughed about it, and posted it on social media for the world to see. As if it weren’t stupid enough to do such a thing, to begin with, they had the gall to broadcast their violent crime everywhere.
Now, another video has surfaced of a gang of several black students on a school bus ruthlessly and violently beating a white student because they found out he liked Donald Trump.
From the mother’s Twitter page, she writes that her attorney told her it was okay to release the video.
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