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Target Introduces ‘Gender Inclusive’ Gingerbread Sweater

by | Nov 12, 2019 | News | 0 comments

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In their never-ending crusade to stay on the bleeding edge of political correctness and inclusivity, Target has introduced the all-new “Gender Inclusive” Gingerbread Sweater for everyone. The Christmas sweater boasts a picture of a gingerbread m̶a̶n̶ ̶w̶o̶m̶a̶n̶ something — I guess it’s fluid enough to fit all 100 (and growing) genders today.

Of course, any sane person would look at this and think, “how stupid?”

It’s not like gingerbread people … dogs … cats … birds … have a biological sex anyways, I mean, they’re just flour, eggs, and spices … right?

Wait, that brings up an interesting point. Eggs. Since chicken eggs sold in grocery stores are unfertilized, I guess that means gingerbread things are genderless after all.

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