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John MacArthur Preaches a Sermon Rebuking Beth Moore, That “Woman Preacher”

by | Nov 5, 2019 | News, The Church | 0 comments

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John MacArthur made headlines two weeks ago when he publicly and blatantly told Beth Moore, the Southern Baptist Jezebel false prophet to “go home.” During a Q&A session at Grace Church, MacArthur was asked his thoughts on Beth Moore, and his answer was simple, “go home,” and “there is no biblical case to be made for a female preacher.”

This sparked outrage from the SBC beta-male elitists like J.D. Greear who mocked John MacArthur and welcomed Beth Moore into his home “anytime.”

In the wake of the controversy sparked by MacArthur’s comments, MacArthur doubled down this past weekend preaching an entire sermon against Jezebel women like Beth Moore referring to her as that “woman preacher” who is tolerated in churches.

Well worth the listen to the entire sermon, but below is the pertinent clip.

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