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Teen Vogue Shows Kids How to Get Abortion while Avoiding Parents

by | Aug 14, 2019 | News | 0 comments

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TODAY’S DAILY BLESSING — The popular magazine for young people, Teen Vogue, recently used Snapchat to publish content that instructs teenagers how to get abortions, as well as, get around parents if necessary.

Teen Vogue no longer publishes a printed magazine, but still publishes content online. Now they’ve gone to where the kids are to push their pro-abortion message: Snapchat.

The publication is drawing controversy for showing teens how to go about getting an abortion, even how to circumvent their parents who may not support terminating the pregnancy.

Teaching your teens how to get an abortion

The article’s title leaves little doubt that it is a how-to guide, it reads: “How to Get an Abortion if You’re a Teen.”

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On Snapchat, the article was published as a social media series, repurposed from the full article which was published in the magazine in June under the same title.

To its credit, the article does encourage underage teenagers to consult their parents. The article says “no matter what your parents’ abstract views are, they might behave far more tenderly when their own child needs access to abortion care.”

However, at the same time, the article gives teens advice on how to get around their parents if necessary. It walks teenagers step-by-step through the process to get around their parents in order to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

What the article wittingly or unwittingly does is that it encourages minors to consent to potentially dangerous and irreversible procedures – all without the involvement of their parents.


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