Continuing our series on confronting modern idols, today I'm going to talk about the idol of self-esteem. Seemingly...
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Results for "responding to the modern idols of the world"
Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Feminism, Egalitarianism
Continuing in our Rejecting Modern Idols series, today, we move to another topic. In the Old Testament, we see a...
Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Transgenderism
In the Old Testament, we see numerous examples of societies adopting practices that are abominable in the sight of...
Peace and Unity With the Left is Not an Option for Christians
In the aftermath of the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, it may seem prudent to seek common ground with...
Religious Pluralism: The Roman Catholic Church’s Last Ditch Effort to Undermine the Gospel
Some Catholics call him “Papa,” and others call him the “holy father.” Yet, despite these terms of endearment for a man who sets himself up in the place of Christ, The Roman pope, who goes by Francis, continues the Catholic tradition of leading people down a path of...
Calvin Professor Seeks Loopholes Through “Ensoulment” Timing to Justify Committing Abortions
A Christian university named after arguably the most famous Protestant reformer in the Reformed Tradition, John Calvin, has become an icon for liberalism. Calvin University, formerly Calvin College, is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is associated with the...
Imagine Dropping Your Child Off in This Man’s Classroom Every Morning
Imagine dropping your child off in this man's classroom, and there's nothing you could say or do about it. Imagine walking into a supposedly professional environment and seeing a man dressed in women's clothing and knowing this delusional weirdo is the person...
TGC Board Member Says Jesus Gave Up Rights, So We Should Give Up Second Amendment
Ryan Kwon, a board member of The Gospel Coalition and pastor of Resonate Movement Church, is yet another voice in the long parade of woke ideologues masquerading as shepherds who distort the Scriptures to advance their communism-lite agenda—always under the thin guise...
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