It's one thing that the government and leftists spend so many resources trying to censor the world from information,...
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Results for "The Gospel Coalition"
The Gospel Coalition Celebrates Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Abortion Leftist Politician
The Gospel Coalition abandoned the gospel long before it became an outlet for progressive politics and anti-gospel...
The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About The Gospel Coalition
Last week, an article from The Gospel Coalition joined the foray of liberal media regarding the phenomenon known simply as Q. The Gospel Coalition article begins by referencing an editorial
The Gospel Coalition Says Gay Pride Flag Same as Noah’s Rainbow, Represents Safety
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has lost any semblance of the gospel if it ever had any. TGC has repeatedly advocated for...
The Gospel Coalition Incites Fear, Says Congregational Singing is Dangerous
The Gospel Coalition abandoned the gospel long before it became an outlet for progressive politics and anti-gospel...
The Gospel Coalition Suggests Putting Off Communion, Baptisms Until “Effective COVID-19 Vaccine” is Available
There is a lot of debate on whether or not it is acceptable for churches to put off weekly assembly during this...
The Gospel Coalition Continues to Push Anti-Conservative Politics While Legitimizing Democrat Voting
It's no secret that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a politically left-of-center organization that is designed to...
The Gospel Coalition Wants Conservatives To Stop Being Political
In this episode, I rant about Joe Carter’s article at the (anti) Gospel Coalition and entertain the question, does Joe...
The Gospel Coalition Gets Hammered After Publishing Mother Earth Gaia Worship Nonsense
It's rather intriguing that anyone who actually believes the Bible can take The Gospel Coalition (TGC) seriously...
The Gospel Coalition Implies Both Political Parties Are Morally Equivalent, So it Doesn’t Really Matter How You Vote
The Gospel Coalition is on a mission to move Evangelicals in a leftward direction both politically and theologically....
The Gospel Coalition’s New President Says it’s Racist to Advocate For Assimilation of Immigrants
Co-founder of The Gospel Coalition (TGC), Don Carson, has stepped down from his role as president of the organization...
Lesbian Feminist Receives The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 Book Award for Evangelism and Apologetics
If you think it's an exaggeration to say that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has embraced a new religion of homosexual...
The Gospel Coalition Employs Former Obama White House and Campaign Staffer to Sway Elections
How politically gullible are many evangelical Christians today? Recent efforts to manipulate the conservative and the...
While SBC Pastor and The Gospel Coalition Push For Reparations, The Bible is Clear that Whites Owe Nothing
Thabiti Anyabwile is notorious for his racial divisiveness and inflammatory racialized rhetoric. In a previous article...
How The Gospel Coalition is Behind Campus Crusade’s Normalizing of Homosexuality
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is Evangelicalism's primary outlet for progressive thought, ideas, and calls to action with...
The Gospel Coalition Says Don’t Debate Politics Online, Don’t Have an Opinion, Just Read Us
In this day and age, there really is no escape from social media. It is the medium that the world uses to stay...
The Gospel Coalition Author Says Jesus Struggled With Sexuality, Gender, and Identity
One can only wonder how much longer Jesus will wait before unleashing full wrath and judgment on those who continue to...
Time To Kiss The Gospel Coalition Goodbye
The Gospel Coalition, Mark Driscoll, CJ Mahaney, Tullian Tjividjian, Joshua Harris, James MacDonald
The Gospel Coalition Still Promoting Revoice “Gay Christian” Resources
After much criticism from conservative Christians, a large part of the Evangelical Church has distanced itself from...
The Gospel Coalition’s Gay Priest Denies God’s Coming Wrath to Destroy the World
Sam Allberry is the gay Anglican priest who writes for The Gospel Coalition and appears regularly with Southern...

Mike Pence Praises Jimmy Carter as a “Born Again Christian” Who Was a “Blessing to the Nation”
Former Vice President Mike Pence, in an interview with Russell Moore—the former chief of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission—praised Jimmy Carter for being a "born-again Christian" and even admitted to voting for him during his...

The Celebrity Pastor Phenomenon is Selling Out the Gospel for 30 Pieces of Silver
Michael Jackson moonwalked his way into the hearts of millions, perhaps billions, of people around the globe, a glittering icon who could do no wrong in the eyes of his adoring fans. They cheered, screamed, and wept at the mere sight of him, entranced by the aura of...

Why Public Trust in the Church Continues to Erode
For centuries, at least in the West, the church held an unparalleled position of trust and reverence. They were seen as the stewards of moral clarity in a world ever-increasing in cultural chaos. They were the shepherds who guided their flocks with conviction and...

Despite What Leftist Critics Say, Homeschooling is the Best Option for Children
I don’t know who this person is, but his anti-homeschooling tweets keep making their way into my feed. So, I think I’m going to deal with them here. I doubt he’ll see my response, or care, for that matter. But for those who do care, here goes.Here’s his claim:...
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