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A Warning About the Social Media Platform, TikTok

A Warning About the Social Media Platform, TikTok

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a notorious perpetrator of censorship and propaganda, and it is now becoming increasingly clear that they are using TikTok, a social media platform that they own and operate, to spread their toxic ideology and influence the minds...

I’m no Prophet, But Here Is My Prediction for 2023

I’m no Prophet, But Here Is My Prediction for 2023

As I gaze upon the pages of the sacred text, I can't help but feel a sense of mystery and wonder at the revelations it holds about the end times. As believers, we can rest assured that the Lord has revealed His plan for the future to us through His Word. The Bible...

What Will Islam Do to America? Look at European Cities.

What Will Islam Do to America? Look at European Cities.

Ben Franklin in the 1750s voiced concern over too many Germans arriving in Pennsylvania and even commented on their “swarthy complexion.” Germans call it Uberfremdung or “over-foreignization.” It’s a fear that their homeland will be changed to where it is no...

Whoever Controls the Food, Controls the World

Whoever Controls the Food, Controls the World

Mankind’s constant, consuming, and ceaseless primary need from the first day in Eden, has been to have enough food and water to keep his family alive. Additionally, man must have lodging, a source of income, and health care. Still, man’s biggest, most pressing, and...