Kanye West, who became a famous professing Christian after dropping his gospel album in 2019 has since been on a...
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Results for "kanye west"
Gospel Artist and Preacher, Kanye West, Says He Will Take a Break from Watching Porn and Fornicating
Yeah, I know, that sounds like a Babylon Bee headline. But I can assure you, it isn't. Kanye West, who became a famous...
Kanye West Expresses Stronger Position Against Abortion Than Most Evangelical and Southern Baptist Pastors
Disclaimer: This should not be construed as a blanket endorsement of Kanye West nor does this represent that we are...
Kanye West Sued by Texas Pastor for Plagiarizing Sermon Clip in Latest Album
Plagiarism seems to be becoming more and more acceptable in this world, and while the world does it, it's been a huge...
Kanye West Affirms Expository Preaching While Andy Stanley Trashes it, Calls it “Cheating”
Whether you like Kanye West or not, his new found identity as a professing Christian is not something that should be...
Lou Engle Removed From Awaken 2020 Event With Kanye West For Anti-Homosexuality Stance?
Last week, Reformation Charlotte reported that Kanye West was invited to speak alongside a host of false teachers at...
Kanye West to Join Host of False Teachers for Awaken 2020 Conference
Now, it appears that Kanye West has fully embraced the charismatic New Apostolic Reformation “signs and wonders” movement and will be joining a host of self-proclaimed “prophets” and “apostles” at the Awaken 2020 Conference this weekend. Some of the false prophets and false apostles heading up the event include Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle, Guillermo Maldonado, Brian Welch, and many others.
Voddie Baucham Says God Doesn’t Need Celebrities Like Kanye West to Advance the Gospel
While Baucham didn’t mention West by name, it’s profoundly obvious that he and others like him are on his mind. It is actually much more refreshing that God has placed men like Baucham to speak truth into the culture and the Church than men like West who, since his claim to Christianity, has done nothing but compromise.
Kanye West to Preach at Yankee Stadium With Joel and Victoria Osteen in 2020
Reformation Charlotte has been covering the Kanye West conversion saga with a cautiously optimistic but critical eye...
Kanye West Tells Man to Be Quiet During Album Promotion Event at Joel Osteen’s Church
I've been very cautiously optimistic about Kanye West's supposed conversion to Christianity -- and I still am....
Kanye West to Appear With Joel Osteen at Lakewood Sunday Service This Weekend
Reformation Charlotte has been following the Kanye West phenomenon with a critical but hopeful eye. We at Reformation...
Should Christians Support Kanye West’s Continued Immersion in Celebrity Lifestyle?
The thing that nags at me, is seeing a person at this level of celebrity still immersed in their celebrity as a new...
Joel Osteen Trying to Hijack Kanye West’s Conversion, Lead Him Astray
There has been much hoopla in the last several weeks surrounding Kanye West and his supposed conversion to...
Kanye West Defends Mormons, Catholics, and T.D. Jakes, Says We All Have the Same Gospel
There has been much hoopla in the last several weeks surrounding Kanye West and his supposed conversion to...
Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister
Denzel Washington’s baptism at the Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Harlem on December 21, 2024, has...
Maverick City Music Mogul, Kirk Franklin, Collaborates With Foul, X-Rated Hip-Hop Artist
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety...
Highly Prominent Gospel Artist Dances, Twerks in Sexually Suggestive Ways
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety...
Even The Very Idea of the World-Mimicking Dove Awards is Anti-Christian and Unbiblical
For nearly six decades, the Dove Awards have claimed a central stage in the world of Christian music, lauding artists...
Woke Christian Rapper, Kirk Franklin, Rebuked by Street Preacher for Friendship With the World
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety...
Gay Disney Celebrity Who Was Baptized at Bethel Church Tells Kids that God Loves Them
A few weeks ago, Disney Celebrity Joshua Bassett made headlines after he was baptized at the nefarious...

I Bet You Didn’t Know the Federal Government Has Been Funding Revoice, the “Gay Christian” Ministry
I previously wrote to you demonstrating how the Democrat-backed federal government has been laundering money through USAID and other taxpayer-funded slush funds, funneling it into the hands of anti-American, anti-conservative faux Christian ministries like The After...

Remember the “Vaccine Redeems an Abortion” Guy? His Curriculum Was Funded by USAID Too
I hesitate to continue writing about Donald Trump, as I want to be clear that I do not view him as any kind of messianic figure, savior of the nation, or a “Christian” hero. He is not—he is simply the result of a nation that is, if nothing but for a momentary reprieve...

Opinion: If You Really Want to Help Refugees, Kick Them Out of Our Nation
There’s a cabal of evangelical leftists parading around as champions of compassion—valiant knights charging into battle against the cold-hearted, unfeeling forces that dare to suggest a sovereign nation not only has the right but the duty to control its own borders....

Satan Casts Out Satan, and Bethel Church Casts Out Shawn Bolz
It was only a matter of time before Bethel Church, the grand cathedral of charismatic charlatanry, decided to throw one of its own to the wolves. And who better than Shawn Bolz—a man whose entire career has been built on the kind of “prophecy” that conveniently aligns...
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