Of course, hypothetically speaking, those who say they worship and serve the Creator should probably love His creation. Yet, for this gaggle of interfaith clergy, the love of God is nowhere to be found.
For whoever finds me finds life
Proverbs 8:35-36
and obtains favor from the Lord,
but he who fails to find me injures himself;
all who hate me love death.”
On July 9, a coalition of various clergy from various religious groups — including those who claim to be Christian — gathered at Whole Woman’s Health of Austin, TX to bless the taking of innocent life as well as those who participate in the heinous act. Rev. Amelia Fulbright, a campus minister in Austin said, “the first and foremost goal was to say that we support you and the work that you’re doing, especially in a state where you’re constantly having to meet new regulations or deal with critics and protesters.”

Some clergy even went from room to room to burn sage. One can only imagine that this was an effort to ward off the stench of hundreds — thousands of dead children.

Of course, once you enter the realm of godlessness, all sanity is lost. Insanity is, in fact, the only way you can claim Christ without actually ever knowing who He is. It goes without saying that there is not a God-loving Christian in the world that is okay with abortion. There is no such thing as a “pro-choice Christian.” They don’t exist.
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